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Fashion Beauty Lifestyle Travel

Target Style: Wavy Hair

Photography by Tynan Daniels, Backstage Photography by Ken Pao

 Gold BraceletsVita Fede & Julie Vos

 If you read my blog regularly, you’ve probably noticed that I almost never wear my hair stick straight. It’s usually wavy, curly or at least has a slight bend. I love soft waves any time of year and for any occasion, so you can imagine my excitement when the Target fashion show during NYFW featured models in pretty and polished waves. The hair stylists used a mixture of hot rollers and curling irons to create both vintage-inspired waves (like the last photo above) and looser, beachier waves (like mine). If the Hollywood-glam, Mad Men wave isn’t your thing, you can easily interpret the runway look for everyday wear.

I use my favorite clipless curling iron to wrap random sections of hair in the direction away from my face for a more casual wave (see my “California Waves” turorial here). I always lightly mist my head with hairspray both before and after I curl – my hair is thick and the curls will drop by noon if left unprotected! Another not-so-secret: sleep on your waves and use a texturizing spray the next morning. Day two hair is often even better.

How do you wear everyday waves? Let me know if you’d like to see more hair content and tutorials on the blog!



Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Target via Glam Media.  The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Target.


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