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Fashion Beauty Lifestyle Travel

Fall Trends: Lust vs. Must

If someone calculated all the hours I spend scouring runway coverage on and reading every fashion magazine (really, every) each month, it’d probably be equivalent to what most people consider a part-time job. While I’m often a creature of habit when it comes to wearing classic cuts and colors, I love discovering new trends and working them into my wardrobe. However, as any other style-minded girl knows, you can’t have it all when it comes to expensive designer trends (especially if they’re quickly out of season). So, I put together a few of my current favorite trends and some friendlier price alternatives.

Lust: here, Must: here.

Lust: here, Must: skirt here, pantsĀ here.

Lust: here, Must: here.

Lust, here. Must, here.

Which fall trend will you be wearing? I would love to hear!

Sophie on Instagram
